
Special Needs Students 2022

One! International has always welcomed students of any age or ability.

Ramesh, afflicted with fetal alcohol syndrome, has been a student since 2001!  He is currently employed with One! International as a cleaner and watchman.

In this article, we will tell the story of one really ‘special student’ who makes everyone smile.

Shivam, kindly nicknamed Golu (round) for his wonderfully round face and permanent
smile, has been coming to our school for the past 5 years.
He is 15 years old. He is very respectful and helpful. He always comes to school with a smile
and greets everyone with respect. He is mentally disabled (we are not sure of the exact
diagnosis). Although he is not able to speak properly, his comprehension is good. He is fully
grown but has a mental ability at least 5 years younger than his age. He is presently a
student of our new class called the “Special Class” which helps him rekindle his love of
studying and gives him more focused attention from the teachers. There are 5 other
students like him in the class and they have ‘Gardening’ and ‘Kitchen Helping’ in addition to
their regular slate of subjects. Through these different hands-on teaching methods and with
the diligence of his teachers’ care, Golu is showing great improvement by participating in this
fun and stress free learning environment. With Golu’s increasing confidence, his smile keeps growing, too!